Link to Consuming Fashion Paper Completed for DBS Assignment 2022

Digital Matchday Program

This was a digital Matchday Program I created for our Rugby Club which did two things. Because of Covid we wanted a non contact way of giving out team sheets and match day information.  it also cut down on paper we printed and cost less.  It was sent to members by email and on the day of the game there was a QR Code people could scan and download on their phone.

Media Channel to Broadcast Live Matches during Covid

This was a project I worked on during covid when matches were allowed to be played but no one was allowed attend. I set up a Youtube channel for the club to allow members view games each week. We would stream our games live so they could watch the team. It became so popular we continued it after and we now get over 500 views per game and half come from members who live abroad. 

Here is a Link to our Channel where all our games can be viewed.